The start of something new.

Written by Ramon Gebben

Since this is the first “blog post” I have ever written it will be a bit rough. In it, I will be explaining the reason I started this blog and the goal of it.

Who am I?

My name is Ramon Gebben. I’m 24 years young and I work as a front-end developer for a Dutch digital media company called TouchTribe. On a regular work day my work involves writing a lot of Javascript for web, server and hybrid applications.

DailyJS part two

After being a loyal subscriber to DailyJS for a long time, I was very disappointed to hear that Alex Young stopped with DailyJS. I started noticing an absence of a similar platform. As a front-end developer DailyJS helped me to keep up with updates from the community, such as new version from node/io.js, and to get informed about new libraries, frameworks and reviews of new build tools.

Sure, we all look at Hackers News, EchoJS et cetera, but the nice part of DailyJS was that it was filtered and tested. Most libraries look very cool at first sight, but when you try to test them agains “real world” problems, they fail. I want to be is the new filter. I spend a large part of my days searching for new libraries and frameworks, because it is wonderful what everybody is doing and everyday the bar is set a little higher. Normally I share the things I notice and experienced with the team I work with. Since this is very well received I thought why not take it further and give this a shot.

Daily updates

The goal of this page is giving other developers, that enjoy working with Javascript as much as I do, a daily updates about new libraries, frameworks et cetera. I will test each library that I mention and tell you about my experience. I will also try to filter out some of the “gotcha’s” to make your life easier.

I will try my best to post at least two libraries a day with a small summery of what it does and what it does great.

In the future I also would like see posts from developers whom in my opinion exceed in the field to give an expertise view on area and subjects that might be unclear to you and me.


If you have an awesome library or you’re working on something, please let me know. In this message, enclose a Github link and maybe your motivation to start building your project.

Because I’m not an experienced writer I welcome all feedback on my writing style, word choice et cetera. Tweet to @DailyJavascript