
Written by Ramon Gebben

Superhero.js is a great gathering of articles, videos and presentations to help you become a better JavaScript developer. This is a real outcome for people who feel overwhelmed by the amount of articles appearing across the web. It is hard to distinguish between the relevant and the irrelevant stuff out there.

The collection is split up in categories so you have some context on why you should read it, or you can easily find a relevant resource to your problem. The categories are:

  • Understanding JavaScript: Syntax, style and gotchas
  • Organizing your code: API design, patterns and frameworks
  • Testing your application: Testable code, readable tests
  • Tools of the trade: Workflow, developer tools and debugging
  • Performance and Profiling: Fast and memory-efficient code
  • Securing your app: Principles, access control and validation
  • Under the hood: Understanding the browser
  • On the horizon: Stuff to keep an eye on

When you would follow them all down you have a very nice learning path. Even if you have being doing JavaScript for sometime now, I would still recommend you take a gander at this page cause it really highlights some amazing resources.

If you haven’t started on this weeks challenge yet, go to the challenge page of the Websocket Challenge since there are only two days remaining in the challenge.