As I wrote in an earlier post, I’m open for guest writers to contribute to Daily-JavaScript. This week’s post comes from Offirmo Neet. Offirmo approached a couple of weeks ago, asking me if I needed any help bearing the load of the daily production of content.
He also told me he was saddened by the news that Alex Young had stopped writing for DailyJS and is very eager to help create an alternative.
So, with no further ado I will give the word to Offirmo.
3 modules to check, enforce or prevent running in sudo mode
Sindre Sorhus gets us covered with 3 complementary modules about running an app as root:
- is-root (GitHub: sindresorhus/is-root, License: MIT, npm: is-root)
- sudo-block (GitHub: sindresorhus/sudo-block, License: MIT, npm: sudo-block)
- downgrade-root (GitHub: sindresorhus/downgrade-root, License: MIT, npm: downgrade-root)
As you know, Unix programs can be run with “root privileges” usually by starting them with sudo
. The “root” user has all permissions, which is in important security concern.
When writing a CLI app in javascript, you may want to check if your app is run with root privileges with the 1st module is-root
const isRoot = require('is-root')
console.log(`You are ${isRoot() ? 'root' : 'not root'}.`)
Which gives you:
$ node ./index.js
You are not root.
$ sudo `which node` ./index.js <-- note: find userland node if not installed as root
You are root.
If your app doesn’t need superuser rights, you can protect the user by refusing to be run by sudo with the 2nd module sudo-block
const sudoBlock = require('sudo-block')
If run as root, the library call will crash the process and gives explanations and solutions:
$ sudo `which node` ./index.js
You are not allowed to run this app with root permissions.
If running without sudo doesn't work, you can either fix your permission problems
or change where npm stores global packages by putting ~/npm/bin in your PATH and running:
npm config set prefix ~/npm
Even better, instead of stopping, you can attempt to gracefully downgrade those rights for safety with the 3rd module downgrade-root
const downgradeRoot = require('downgrade-root');
try {
console.log('You were root: privileges relinquished.')
} catch (err) {
console.error('You are root and I couldn’t downgrade permissions !')
If run as root and if everything goes well, you’ll see:
$ sudo `which node` ./index.js
You were root: privileges relinquished.
Wrapping all together gives us the best solution to avoid running as root:
const isRoot = require('is-root')
if (isRoot()) {
console.log(`You are root!`)
try {
console.log('root privileges relinquished.')
} catch (err) {
console.error('Couldn’t downgrade permissions !')
For more information and demo’s on how to use this check out the READMEs: