Domcom (GitHub: taijiweb/domcom, License: MIT, npm: domcom)
Yesterday I got an email with the request to take a look at the Domcom. Domcom is a frontend framework which uses declarative components to proxy the DOM in order to implement better performance than VirtualDOM. It comes with “lazy” reactive functions to manage data. A few of the features included in this framework are:
Declarative compostable components with reactive function
Only render the invalidated components and refresh the really changed DOM nodes with automatic update status checking
Decouple with model and controller
Simple but powerful route
Support for promise
And a whole lot more but I would refer you to the Github project for that.
Here is a code example provided by the developer to give a taste of Domcom:
In javascript:
const {list, text, p, flow, see} = dc
demoSum = function() {
let a, b, comp, p1, t1, t2;
a = see(1);
b = see(2);
comp = list((t1 = text({
value: a,
onchange() { return a(this.value * 1); }
})), (t2 = text({
value: b,
onchange() { return b(this.value * 1); }
})), p1 = p(flow.add(a, b)));
dc.updateWhen([t1, t2], 'change', p1);
return comp.mount();
Since the developer likes coffee-script is here the same example in coffee-script.
{list, text, p, flow, see} = dc
demoSum = ->
a = see 1; b = see 2
comp = list \
(t1 = text value: a, onchange: -> a @value*1),
(t2 = text value: b, onchange: -> b @value*1),
p1 = p flow.add a, b
dc.updateWhen [t1, t2], 'change', p1